Tyndall Park Equestrian Centre: Last updated 09-Aug-2012


Tyndall Park Photo Albums

Over the years, we've accumulated a few photographs recording the activities in and around Tyndall Park, and at horse shows and clinics around Alberta. We have arranged a few of them into photo albums, which can be accessed below. Click on any of the photos below to open the associated album in a new window.

1183-33.jpg Cheops Z is our CWHBA approved stallion from the renowned Holsteiner Stamm 730B line, and is standing at Tyndall Park.
Img0090_DSC_0010.jpg Horse Camps: Tyndall Park presented summer riding camps for several years in Alberta. Note we do not offer horse camps at this time.
1183-33.jpg May 2005 Cross Country Clinic: Jennifer Arbuckle and Brooke Matter arranged a cross country clinic at Alhambra Stables in Red Deer in May 2005. Many of Jenn's students made the trip, as did Cecilia and Janice.
1183-33.jpg Jumping Fences
1183-33.jpg The rest: This album contains photos that either don't fit into any of the categories above, or I haven't got around to categorizing.